Goal investing is open to any investors with a specific financial goal in mind. The portfolio focuses on achieving market-based returns using ETFs with underlying assets in equities, fixed incomes and commodities to achieve diversification at a low cost to investors.
eWealth is a robo-advisory platform that offers Thematic portfolios to retail clients at a low initial investment sum via a simple to use online platform. The platform profiles a client based on his risk appetite, then recommends an appropriate portfolio to meet his needs. The platform also offers Goal-based portfolios for clients wanting to invest towards a goal such as retirement, a child’s education fund or a home. eWealth will be expanded to cover more investment strategies and products in the near future.
Why trade this product with CGS International?
01 Two investment tracks to meet clients’ investment objectives eWealth offers two types of investment strategies – Goal and Thematic. Goal investing focuses on helping the investor invests in a diversified manner through exchange traded funds (ETFs) to meet the investor’s financial goal. The platform recommends investors the Goal strategy that is best suited to their risk profile after they take a risk profiling questionnaire. As a robo-advisory platform that offers Thematic portfolios to retail clients, CGS International Securities seeks to construct portfolios comprising stocks or shares that may potentially benefit from cyclical or secular trends in a country, region or globally. The portfolios are research-backed and rely on multi-factor investing strategy (based on quality, value and momentum factors). The Thematic portfolios are designed for clients who want to achieve above market returns and have greater risk appetite. |
02 Dual benefits Apart from potential capital gains, clients can also enjoy benefits from corporate actions, such as dividend payment, provided by the companies or ETFs in the portfolios they invest in. This is because investors hold the stocks or ETFs bought in the portfolio under their own name with the custodian. |
03 Strong backing and bank-level security Clients’ investments stay protected with CGS International Securities as the Company is owned and backed by two strong Asian financial powerhouses, China Galaxy Securities Co. Ltd and CIMB Group. The investments are held in segregated accounts and not comingled with the Company’s assets. eWealth also adopts encrypted bank-level security standards to protect clients’ data. |
04 Hassle-free investing Investing through eWealth platform is fast and easy as clients may complete their account opening and choose their investment portfolio all entirely online and within 15 minutes. |
05 Advisory approach eWealth suggests the appropriate portfolio suited to the clients’ risk profile and needs. Clients can decide which portfolios to invest in or make further adjustments after their initial investment to meet their goals or aspirations. Moreover, clients continue to maintain control over future portfolio rebalancing. |
06 Affordable fees and transparency eWealth offers a guided investment journey at affordable fees and free regular rebalancing of investment portfolios for Goal investing to help clients stay on track with their investment objectives. Brokerage charges apply when entering, exiting and rebalancing Thematic portfolios. The platform also provides full transparency of the portfolio’s constituents that the clients have invested in. |
07 Freedom in your hands Clients can invest anywhere at any time, even on their mobile devices. |
As a robo-advisory platform that offers Thematic portfolios to retail clients, CGS International Securities seeks to construct portfolios comprising stocks or shares that may potentially benefit from cyclical or secular trends in a country, region or globally. The portfolios are research-backed and rely on multi-factor investing strategy (based on quality, value and momentum factors). The Thematic portfolios are designed for clients who want to achieve above market returns and have greater risk appetite.
Apart from potential capital gains, clients can also enjoy benefits from corporate actions, such as dividend payment, provided by the companies or ETFs in the portfolios they invest in. This is because investors hold the stocks or ETFs bought in the portfolio under their own name with the custodian.
Clients’ investments stay protected with CGS International Securities as the Company is owned and backed by two strong Asian financial powerhouses, China Galaxy Securities Co. Ltd and CIMB Group. The investments are held in segregated accounts and not comingled with the Company’s assets. eWealth also adopts encrypted bank-level security standards to protect clients’ data.
Investing through eWealth platform is fast and easy as clients may complete their account opening and choose their investment portfolio all entirely online and within 15 minutes.
eWealth suggests the appropriate portfolio suited to the clients’ risk profile and needs. Clients can decide which portfolios to invest in or make further adjustments after their initial investment to meet their goals or aspirations. Moreover, clients continue to maintain control over future portfolio rebalancing.
eWealth offers a guided investment journey at affordable fees and free regular rebalancing of investment portfolios for Goal investing to help clients stay on track with their investment objectives. Brokerage charges apply when entering, exiting and rebalancing Thematic portfolios. The platform also provides full transparency of the portfolio’s constituents that the clients have invested in.
Clients can invest anywhere at any time, even on their mobile devices.
Offerings available for this product
Thematic investing is suitable for investors with a larger risk appetite who wish to capitalise on a specific secular or cyclical trend or investment theme. The portfolio aims to achieve excess market returns by investing in equities that may generate superior returns. The platform offers a range of Thematic portfolios such as “US Fed Comes Alive”, a portfolio that is designed to capture the performance of stocks in the S&P 500 Index that are likely beneficiaries of rising interest rates in the United States. Another popular portfolio is the “U.S. ESG” which provides investors with the opportunity to support companies that have an increasing focus on environmental, social and corporate governance. New Thematic portfolios will be added.
Thematic investing is suitable for investors with a larger risk appetite who wish to capitalise on a specific secular or cyclical trend or investment theme. The portfolio aims to achieve excess market returns by investing in equities that may generate superior returns. The platform offers a range of Thematic portfolios such as “US Fed Comes Alive”, a portfolio that is designed to capture the performance of stocks in the S&P 500 Index that are likely beneficiaries of rising interest rates in the United States. Another popular portfolio is the “U.S. ESG” which provides investors with the opportunity to support companies that have an increasing focus on environmental, social and corporate governance. New Thematic portfolios will be added.
Supported platform
eWealth Platform
CGS International Securities’ eWealth platform captures and tracks the investment goals or themes that clients have chosen. Using this platform, clients get to purchase the individual securities that make up the selected portfolio without taking the trouble to choose the securities, quantities and prices to buy them at. Clients may access the eWealth platform at ewealth.cgs-cimb.com.sg.

Clients can open an account online on the eWealth platform. The documents required will include a copy of one’s NRIC (or passport if you are a foreigner residing in Singapore) and a bank statement stating the client’s name, mailing address and the bank account number for verification. Bank account balances are not required. The above documents can be uploaded to the platform electronically.
If you are a foreigner who has a Singapore-based bank account, you may open an account by following the steps stated on the eWealth platform.
If you are a foreigner who does not have a Singapore-based bank account, you may still open an account by following the steps stated on the eWealth platform but there will be an additional step of us contacting you directly for verification purpose.
Clients may choose to have an unlimited number of goals. After clients have funded the account, they can allocate the funds to the respective goals to start investing. For a goal that has no funds allocated to it, no investments will be made till funds are allocated.
Open an account now
1800 6227272 / (65) 62108453
Download our registration form and mail it to the desired branch with all the enclosures.
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Key Risks
The share prices of stocks may fluctuate due to various reasons including the business and financial performance of the listed company, movements in the other financial markets, investor sentiment and unexpected events such as political uncertainties, wars and disasters. These price fluctuations may present investment profits as well as losses to an investor. The other risks associated with investing in stocks are economy, liquidity and foreign currency exchanges (when investing in foreign listed companies).
In the case of eWealth's Thematic portfolios, an investor will be investing into a portfolio of stocks which is more diversified compared to purchasing a single stock. This helps mitigate the risks of large share price fluctuations compared to purchasing a single stock.
Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are listed collective investment schemes typically comprising a portfolio of stocks of the same industry, country, region or investment theme. ETFs are exposed to risks of ETF price fluctuations, economy, liquidity and foreign currency exchanges. Some ETFs are synthetic ETFs employing derivatives, swaps and leverage, and are therefore additionally exposed to counter-party, leverage and higher price fluctuation risks .
eWealth's Goal portfolios are made up of a diversified range of traditional and non-synthetic ETFs comprising investments into a range of stocks, bonds and commodities. The risk of investing in Goal portfolios is lower than investing in Thematic portfolios as the former is more diversified than the latter.
It will be advisable to stay abreast of news and other developments in that country or sector and adjust investment strategy accordingly. Employing a strategy of diversifying your investments across different eWealth's Thematic portfolios and/or Goal portfolios should help reduce country or sector risk to an investor.
An investor who is not familiar with investing in foreign stocks and ETFs should consider the risk of exposure to foreign currency exchange.